Hurry up with the "servitude" - there is very little left until the introduction of "Euro-6".

Hurry up with the "servitude" - there is very little left until the introduction of "Euro-6". photo

From January 1, 2025, the first registration for a number of vehicles will be allowed only if they comply with Euro-6 economy standards.

Currently, i.e. at the time of publication of this information, the import and first registration of most vehicles in Ukraine is allowed on the condition that they comply with the environmental standard no lower than "Euro-5", and for used cars - "Euro-2". In practice, this establishes the maximum age or year of production for such vehicles, and, accordingly, the minimum price for which a particular car can be purchased abroad.

We will remind that Euro-5 cars appeared on the EU market in 2009, and Euro-2 cars in 1996.

What will change from January 1, 2025?

New and used tractor units for semi-trailers, buses, all trucks, special equipment (evacuators, truck cranes, truck-mounted concrete mixers, etc.), as well as new passenger cars submitted for first registration, must meet Euro-6 standards from the beginning of next year.  

Cars meeting this environmental standard have appeared on the EU market since 2015. That is, their age is 6 years younger than those cars that are allowed to be imported now. Which, in turn, sets a minimum bar for the prices of vehicles subject to these economic norms.

These changes will not affect electric cars (because they do not have an internal combustion engine), passenger cars with mileage (Euro-2 remains for them), as well as individual vehicles that arrive as humanitarian aid or for defense needs.

Consequently, the minimum price for "recruited" vehicles will eventually increase, in proportion to the decrease in their maximum permissible age. So if your plans were to replenish the car fleet with a car (or several) at minimal prices, you should hurry , because in a few months you will have to increase the budget to buy the necessary cars.

By the way, it will be possible to register a Euro-5 car even after January 1, 2025, but for this it must be imported to the customs territory of Ukraine before that date. We will also remind you that compliance with environmental standards is certified by a certificate , later the corresponding "Euro" level is indicated in the vehicle registration certificate.

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