Buy electric car online

We will buy new and used cars from official dealers at a good price

Buy electric car online
Possibility to buy electric cars from Europe, USA and China
Expert advice on choosing an electric car for your needs
We know where to buy cheaper

Shop with WAH

Direct deliveries from official car dealers. An electric car is a profitable purchase at affordable prices and an opportunity to use the technology of the future right now.

Savings up to 30%. By buying a car together with West Auto Hub, you get significant savings and use a reliable logistics solution that makes it possible to get an electric car quickly.

Warranty and service. We take care of all the bureaucracy and paperwork, saving you time. Entrust your funds to a reliable company — all payments are made to official accounts.

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Advantages of electric cars

Expected customs clearance and zero taxes:

Відсутність митних зборів та низькі витрати на оформлення – лише 1 євро за 1 кВт·год місткості батареї.

Favorable price and savings on operation:

Availability of electric vehicles from various markets, savings on fuel and maintenance.

Low maintenance costs:

Fewer moving parts, reducing the frequency and cost of repairs.

Top 8 electric cars from abroad

Top 8 electric cars from abroad

Features of electric cars

Good price: New or almost new electric cars often cost significantly less than their European counterparts.

- Nuances: Specific charging port standards and possible difficulties with spare parts.

- Example: Volkswagen ID.4 – you can buy up to 40% cheaper compared to the European version.

- Low Mileage: Cars usually have lower mileage.

- Price: It is profitable to buy more expensive cars (from $12,000 to $15,000), but you should take into account that they may be after an accident.

- Example: Tesla Model 3 is a popular choice among used electric cars from America.

- High quality: Cars fully comply with European standards and are serviced at official dealers.

- No damage: As a rule, electric vehicles from the EU do not have any damage.

- Example: Hyundai Ioniq is a reliable option from the European market.

- Affordable prices: You can find a good electric car in the price range from $8,000 to $12,000.

- Wide selection: There are many electric cars in Scandinavia, which increases the chance of finding a good deal.

- Tips: You should pay attention to the remaining state of the battery and the condition of the body due to the humid climate.

- Example: Electric Volkswagen Golf.